ArtofACOdyssey 3: Parthenon Marbles

Statue base featuring a Parthenon frieze block. Screenshot from Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey (Ubisoft 2018).


Day 3 of #ArtofACOdyssey! I’ll give you a second to think about where you’ve seen this before. Hint: it’s a huge tourist attraction in London that probably shouldn’t be there.

That’s right! It’s Block W-5 from the Parthenon Ionic Frieze! You may be wondering why I am so frightfully specific. That, dear reader, is because I am very familiar with this block. Very, painfully, familiar. Mostly because I worked around the clock for weeks making a 1:1 scale model out of rigid foam insulation, glue and cement compound, cheesecloth and specially mixed paint. Here’s a picture of my low-relief panels (5 in colour, half of 6 in white) juxtaposed with Rebecca Levitan’s 2-D panels on Nashville’s Parthenon.

Painted 2D and 3D replicas of Parthenon frieze blocks, on the Nashville Parthenon. Photo: K. Jones.

We (Emory Parthenon Project) were testing the visibility of the Ionic Frieze from various distances, and discerning what role colour and depth played in all that. TL;DR: you could totally see the frieze from a good distance away. None of that “built for the gods’ eyes alone” nonsense. But, back to our statue base. Like the Jason panel painting from day 1, this panel has been extended to better fit the space as well. The Parthenon sculptures appear to have been used quite heavily in Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey so keep an eye out as you play!


This was originally published on Twitter, October 9 2018. 


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